At USMGC, we’re doing more than just handing out paychecks. With our program of workforce benefits—that includes hardship loans, rental assistance, emergency savings accounts, and daily catered lunches— we’re providing high-quality manufacturing jobs that Americans can be proud of. Watch Enrique’s story or read the transcript below.

My name is Enrique Perez. I work here at US Medical Glove Company, and I am a machine tech.

I’ve been loving the progression. I’ve been loving it.

Every single day is a new day.

Every day I come in learning something different.

The opportunities here, it’s up to you to work the hard work, the time, the communication, all that stuff.

It’s all up to you, but it is possible and I’m enjoying it.

Well, I had had some problems.

It came to a point where I had a five day notice come in, and it was a choice to either stay at this location or to move on, which would have me, you know, not be here anymore.

I told that to HR and two hours later I got a call from the owner, he said, Hey, it’s your boss. What’s going on?”

And I told him the situation. Immediately, he asked me, what do you need? How can I help?

I’ve never had that before. It was mind blowing.

It still kinda is, but I was very grateful.

He gave me the loan. I was able to stay here, and here I am today.

Learn more on our Careers page about the opportunities we’re creating for the engineers, chemists, CNC technicians, and others in our talented workforce shaping the future of U.S. manufacturing.