January 2022 Ocean Nitrile Import

January 2022 Ocean Nitrile Import

January 2022 Ocean Nitrile Import.

I just couldn't quit it - interesting how hard habits die.
Plus - I have a new goal of making this number go down as close to zero as we can get it 😏

So almost 42 million boxes this month - which I feel is really high and wondering if perhaps Decembers shipments delayed into January and there was somewhat a double up. Ill go back and find out tomorrow and update.

Containers by Country -
Malaysia - 861
China - 567
Thailand - 29
Vietnam - 27

Halyard and Ammex were "thirsty" importers this month. The only ones that brought in over a million boxes.

Almost 50% of the importers were "Hidden" so it's anyone guess who brought in 1/2 of this monthly number.

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