Our Relationships

Exceeding expectations to our customers, our communities and our country is what we do! We are a business capable of innovative end-to-end U.S. manufacturing, critical to the health, safety, growth and well-being of American manufacturing. Our innovation in engineering driven by U.S. entrepreneurs and a U.S. labor force has allowed for the manufacturing of the most energy efficient and sustainable glove machines in the use around the world.

Aerial view of USMC Global Campus

US Medical Foundation

Providing assistance to neighbors and employees.

Reinvigoration of US manufacturing

Letter to Congressman LaHood


"US Medical Glove products meet or exceed everyone of our customer's specifications" (click here for full testimony)

Andrew Platt, Blue Tactical

"These gloves have not only allowed us to maintain stringent infection control measures but have also ensured the safety and well-being of our medical staff as they deliver care to our patients." (click here for full testimony)

Perry Maier, Open Door Health Center